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Customer service through social networks


One of the things that has changed over time is the way we contact each other. This has also had an impact on how we communicate from a company with customers. This is how the fact of customer service through social networks has been applied.

Although at first it may have seemed like something that happened informally, today it is taken for granted that any type of company provides customer service through its social networks. But how to do it properly? How to ensure that customer service is effective and meets customer expectations?

To achieve this, you must have a professional who is an expert in Social Media or a Community Manager. This figure, in addition to having the task of managing social networks, has as its key point the fact of helping with customer service responses.

Each business is unique and this will be the way it contacts its clients, but what can never fail is the attention given, since poor customer service will surely mean that the client will not repeat.

Benefits of customer service on social networks

Among the many benefits that this tool offers you are:


  • Management agility: People look for immediacy, and immediacy is synonymous with social networks, which is why it is valued so much as a means of communication.





  • Reputation: Having good customer service is key but if, in addition to this, you make customer service through social networks a success, they will surely comment on it on the same channel, thus allowing you to have valuable advertising at all times.





  • Loyalty: If a customer feels comfortable with a service, what you will achieve is that they will have maximum loyalty with you. In this way, it will be a client who will recommend you to others and who will continue to consume your products or services.





  • Most sales: Social networks are also a sales channel, so don't forget that customer service will also help you promote this since they can ask you all kinds of questions and you can answer them yourself.

How can you see the customer service through social networks it's very valuable.


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