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Training is not a cost, it is an investment!

Elizabeth De Leon

Every job requires training and updating: from the doctor to the dentist, including the lawyer, the teacher and the specialist in web marketing. Each profession, to develop effectively, requires energy, costs and time to be able to guarantee its client a specialized and qualified service. All this is emphasized even more online: those who work on the web know perfectly well that there is no escape from training!

Almost every day there is news to read, updates from Google or the main social networks, new trends and scenarios to discover: those who deal with the web can never let their guard down. Just think about a typical day as a web marketing manager/strategist/marketer or community manager or web content manager: usually after carefully reading and responding to work emails and looking at some data from Analytics, the first step is to study, in which we look for "new things to know" because more than ever in this sector we cannot afford to "fall behind." In addition to a daily update on the web, Web Marketing events and training courses are essential, provided, however, that they are:

  1. Of value : no way, pass!
  2. Useful : must be worth it!
  3. Unique in its class: I don't go to an event to always hear the same things! I have to be able to go home thinking: “Today I learned new things, I met new people, I learned some tips for my strategy, I was able to treasure some case stories presented during the day.”
  4. Practical : enough theory! For that, I use books and blogs.
  5. Networking : I'm interested in meeting people and perhaps creating association bonds (a great advantage of live, in-person events).

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