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Demand for the Apple Watch will exceed supply


Starting this morning you could reserve the Apple Watch through the Apple online store. It will be available from April 24 but only in nine countries, Spain not being one of these. The date on which Spaniards will be able to enjoy their smart watch is still unknown. Apple believes that all the interest that has been generated around the watches can translate into supply outstripping demand. That is why when the product is launched, only orders placed via the web from today will be attended to and satisfied.

Specialists have been analyzing Apple's smart watch for some time and the truth is that their reviews are not entirely positive. Although they claim that it is better than the competition, they find many aspects that could be improved. Among them are, for example, poor autonomy and slow battery charging.

The current CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, is facing the first new product he launches. A watch that, linked to the iPhone, makes it possible to carry out multiple tasks. Check email, listen to music, make phone calls, etc. In addition to programs related to physical exercise that allow you to control heart rate, calories, distance, etc.

At IndianWebs we will keep an eye on the launch news and see if it meets expectations and becomes a successful product, like many others from the company.


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