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Why is responsive design essential?


We missed it, we didn't consider it necessary or the designer looked the other way when we told him. Three reasons why our business website is not responsive, with what that entails. A limitation that distances you from attracting potential customers and building the loyalty of real ones. 

Last December the number of mobile telephone lines amounted to 53 million. Thus, we have reached the point where there are more lines and more mobiles than inhabitants. A fact that shows the need for our website to be adaptable.

The percentage of users who browse the Internet and make purchases through their smartphone is also important and significant. 40% are not afraid of buying via mobile phone and purchase the products without any problem.

On the other hand, it is important to comment that responsive designs and SEO go hand in hand. If both aspects walk separately, your website will be conspicuous by its absence in the organic results and, consequently, users will ignore you.

Regarding devices, it is necessary to highlight that tablets and smartphones have not only made their way between laptops and desktop computers but are gradually leaving them in the background. And much of the blame lies with the convenience of these portable devices. Anywhere, when you need it, how you prefer and for whatever you want.



Do you need to update your website?

Do you need any of our web design services? In IndianWebs We have extensive experience, and a team of programmers and web designers in different specialties, we are capable of offering a wide range of services in the creation of custom web pages. Whatever your project is, we will tackle it.