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The keys to having the best customer service (Part Two)


A week ago we commented on five fundamental aspects in which a company's customer service should be framed.

Today we continue in the same line as last Thursday and we analyze five new aspects that are key to ensuring that our customers are satisfied and the purchasing experience is unbeatable.

1. Clients should not know if we are ten minutes away from leaving our job or even if our company is bankrupt. The first impression is so important that saying hello and smiling, briefly, makes the client know that we are listening to them and that, involuntarily, helps and causes their consultation to be carried out in a polite manner.

2. "No thanks, I was looking" a subtle way of communicating to the seller that we want to observe calmly at our leisure, without being harassed. The client should know that we are there for any questions but never feel overwhelmed. So, they have to be the ones to start the conversation.

3. In a service as important as this, boredom and monotony have no place. Although the question may sound familiar to us and we believe that it deserves the same answer that we gave to the previous person, it is not like that. It would be a major mistake that could cause the client to classify us as rude. To avoid this, we must listen carefully to the doubts they raise.

4. The customer is always right. Something as typical as it is true. Without them, no company would succeed or be profitable. Therefore, we cannot hold them responsible for the problem for which they contact us. We have to analyze this problem, the different causes that have caused it and the possible solutions to eradicate it.

5. Assume mistakes, something essential if as a company we want to improve. Sometimes customers rightly complain and, far from trying to take it away from them, we should admit it and correct it. We must face reality and stand up if our product is defective or if the agreement has not been fulfilled.

Part One: https://indianwebs.com/las-claves-para-tener-el-mejor-servicio-de-atencion-al-cliente/

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