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The importance of generating content


Generating content on a website has gone from being a plus to being essential. That is to say, what used to be a competitive advantage for the websites that generated it has become an obligation. A pillar that, if it does not exist, makes the solidity of the website very difficult. 

It is not simply generating content to be active but, at this point, it is one of the elements with the most seductive power for our clients. That is why it is so important to make strategies to attract clients as well as write and publish content as if it were a means of communication. Both practices are essential if we want success to make an appearance.

We mainly find three types of content and, below, we are going to briefly explain what each of them consists of.

1. Own content: the company itself is responsible for analyzing the sector in which it works to write and, subsequently, publish the content.

2. Rented content: the company decides to pay a media outlet to send or publish content on its website.

3. Social Content: content that is published on social networks. It must be concise and dynamic to encourage interaction with our clients or future clients.

Whatever option the company chooses, it is fundamental and essential that the selected content is of quality and that depends, mainly, on the originality, creativity and ownership of the text.



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