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Applications that help study


Almost all students are always at exam time: before Christmas, the February midterms, the September retakes... And when you finally manage to concentrate, you receive a WhatsApp or someone mentions you on Twitter.

If you can't avoid the temptation of looking at your cell phone, Facebook, or email and you can't focus, here are some very useful applications.

1.- Mindomo


Mindomo is a complete concept mapping tool that allows you to enter all kinds of content, whether text, hyperlinks, videos, music or images.


2.- Self Control


This application allows you to block websites and applications for the period of time that you decide on your iPhone and Mac. You will not be able to access the blocked websites during the established time even if you delete them.


3.- InClass


InClass is a spectacular agenda designed for iPhone and iPad that allows you to keep up to date with all your tasks, homework and information to follow your school year in the best way.


4.- Evernote Peek


It is an application that allows you to take notes, capture images, voice recordings, task lists and synchronize them on all the devices we use through the cloud, so that we do not forget anything or miss any deliveries.


5.- Forvo


Forvo is the largest pronunciation guide out there. Ask how to pronounce a word, and another user will pronounce it for you.


6.- Study Checker


This application measures study or work time and break time, it also shows you the statistics of each study daily, weekly or in a personalized period. This way, if an exam doesn't go quite right, you will be able to see if you have organized your time poorly.

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