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Fundamental aspects for good web design


The Internet began as a place that only the most curious or modern people accessed. Years later it began to be part of our daily lives and today it has become the showcase of brands and companies.

The phrase "A company does not exist if it is not present on the Internet" has evolved and currently we can affirm that "A company does not exist if it is not present on the Internet... THE RIGHT WAY!"

Whether a company presents itself on the Internet in the correct way depends on several factors.

The first is the website. It is the main image of our company and the values ​​that are transmitted in our offices must be the same as those transmitted on the Internet. In addition, it is important that it be attractive and offer a variety of interesting content. This is a priority and more important than other factors such as advertising, social networks and page optimization, aspects to be dealt with later.

The first pillar that must be strengthened to convey a good brand image is, therefore, web design. Users are increasingly demanding and the first impression is decisive.

78% of people who visit a website value its credibility based on its design and, on the other hand, 94% of users who visit a website end up rejecting it because of its appearance. Not taking such high figures into account would be a mistake.

The ZeroZero agency, where web design experts work, highlights 4 fundamental aspects for a website to succeed:

- Cleanliness and clarity

Neatness and simplicity makes the information easier to read. This ease serves to attract traffic.

– Appropriate typography

The size of the letter is very important. Choosing a font that is too small makes it difficult to read the information and that will make users decide to leave. In contrast, if the font is too large it gives the impression of unprofessionalism. Using capital letters, bold and italics, to highlight some concepts, is a great success.

- Corporate colors

To make it easy to identify the website with our brand, we must share philosophy, values, colors and typography. In this way the website will be an extension of the brand, something very important.

- Good pics

If a picture is worth a thousand words, in the online world it is even more valuable. We must avoid unnecessary text and use images to convey concepts in a simple way. The photographs we choose must be appropriate and must suggest what we really want to say.

Do you need to update your website?

Do you need any of our web design services? In IndianWebs We have extensive experience, and a team of programmers and web designers in different specialties, we are capable of offering a wide range of services in the creation of custom web pages. Whatever your project is, we will tackle it.