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Email use falls in Spain


Instant messaging is used in Spain more than email. This is the first time this has happened in the history of the Internet.

The AIMC, which measures the habits of Spanish Internet users quarterly, has concluded in its latest report that 78% of those surveyed have used e-mail in the last month, this being the lowest percentage since 2002.

Furthermore, email is no longer the preferred service for Spaniards, since has been surpassed by instant messaging (mainly WhatsApp) with 79% in the last month. According to José Andrés Gabardo, technical director of AIMC, it is not so much that the email has fallen, but that the big change is that new Internet users access it from smartphones, and They use instant messaging from the first moment.

The third most used service continues to be social networks with 60,9%, but, unlike instant messaging, social networks are not on the rise and remain stagnant for a year.
In fifth place, after reading and current news, are applications, with 32%.

It should be noted that musical exchange, the famous P2P, which seven years ago was the third most popular use with 27,3%, today is with only 4,8%, only ahead of online purchases . Even banking is used more than file sharing. This is due to the new Internet users practically they don't use computers.

The citizens of the Balearic Islands are the ones that connect to the Internet the most with 75% of the total, followed by Catalans and Madrid, both with 72,6%. The least, those from Extremadura, with 53,9%.

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