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How Google Panda is going to affect us


Just a month ago Google announced changes to the search algorithm under the name Google Panda 4.0. Google updates its algorithm frequently, it is said that about 500 times a year, sometimes they are small adjustments and other times they are important changes that can significantly affect the search results, and consequently the analytics of our online store.

In short, any small update by Google can affect our online business in one way or another.


This time it was an update of the already known Google Panda, but before going into more details about said update, what is Google Panda?

Google Panda is a variation or alteration in the activity of the Google search engine, with the aim of eliminating low quality results in searches.  And before Google Panda was appreciated, many of the websites with content of dubious quality had been massively reproduced for the purpose of positioning keywords in the main search results, often through unethical means (copying content, overoptimization of keywords, etc.) Without a doubt this is one of the main reasons why Google decided to create Google Panda.

Now, How Google does to decide if content is quality or not, if it deserves rank in the first search results or on the contrary disappear from the results.  Google is mainly governed by the bounce of the website, the average duration of visits to the sales website, the number of pages viewed and the virality of the content of our online store. Furthermore, Google severely penalizes all duplicate content, one of its main goals being to put an end to plagiarism on the Internet.

Still, Google has continued to update its algorithm in order to improve the experience it offers to the user and Panda 4.0 is the latest example of this continuous effort by Google to achieve quality results in its search engine.

Google Panda

Having said that,  Why is there such a big impact on the new Google Panda update? Well apparently This new update will have the biggest impact compared to other updates, about 7,5% on the results in English according to Search Enginee Land.

For this reason, even though we already know how Google Panda spends it, it is important to review what its objectives are, especially since its new Panda 4.0 update. Many of the objectives have not changed compared to the previous version, in general terms, scarce and low quality content is once again the worst off, in addition to duplicate content, which will be seriously penalized by Google. The positive side of this is that Google Panda 4.0 aims to reward those sites that take the trouble to create original and quality content for users.

 Taking into account these data and As owners of an online business we must focus our efforts on offering current, original and quality content, without falling into the temptation of plagiarism or unethical methods to obtain immediate results. By following these steps we can ensure a privileged place in search engines even if it takes a little time.

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