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The reasons to open a virtual store in 2014


The beginning of 2014 is approaching and you have probably already started the ritual of reviewing whether you met the goals that you set for yourself each year; Going to the gym, losing weight, buying a house and/or car and traveling are some of the most popular, but in order to achieve all these goals you need time and financial solvency, so it is necessary that you get a job or change the that you already have.

If you want to improve yourself, this 2014 you must add one more purpose to your list, one that will surely help you achieve all the aforementioned goals: have your own business.

1. Start and have your own business

If you are one of those people who are looking for financial independence for personal or work reasons, so that you don't end up wanting to have your own business and be part of the increasingly larger group of entrepreneurs, we recommend that you try having a virtual store and thus you begin to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities that come with having your own business and the advantages you can obtain from it.

Big brands are using this resource constantly; Just look at how large department stores make special promotions for purchases made through their virtual store, with discounts that would not be possible to find in the physical store. In addition, they consider shipping as a key hook point and it is provided free of charge, which makes customers consider the purchase since the product will arrive at their doorstep.

2. Making an online purchase has never been easier

Due to the increase in electronic commerce, payment possibilities in virtual stores have increased and not having a credit card to make the purchase is no longer considered an impediment. Platforms, such as Shopify, already have various payment options that include debit cards, credit cards, bank deposits or Paypal. With strong security processes that prevent fraud, which generates a bad reputation for the brand, and distrust among customers – they will be sure that their order will be charged at the agreed price and delivered to the door of their home.

3. Increase in mcommerce

With the increase in the use of smartphones and the proliferation of virtual store applications, customers can now make a purchase with a single click directly from their cell phone. That is why most ecommerce platforms already have their application available for Android and iOS and with the possibility of managing and monitoring your purchases, modifying descriptions, uploading new products, but above all being within reach of your audience.

4. The user demands personalized shopping experiences

Today's customers no longer want to go to a store just to buy, they also want to have a personalized shopping experience that makes them feel important. That is why virtual stores meet this requirement by providing specialized products based on audience tastes. In addition, the shopping experience generated in these stores is valuable, since the user can obtain unique promotions, discounts that apply with specific payment types and products that, seasonally, can be purchased with much higher discounts than those offered. would find in a physical store.

The shopping experience that is generated influences customer loyalty not only towards the brands sold in the store, but also towards the store itself. If excellent service is added to this, we will obtain an almost certain formula for success that will provide economic benefits, image and public opinion.

5. Viral content

Social networks currently serve as a platform to generate interaction between the store and its customers. That is why this resource should be used to the maximum to share the products you sell in your virtual store and turn them into viral content, which can be known by your friends, the friends of your friends, etc. This point is important since the advertising you do for your products through these means is relatively cheap, and can allow you to spend that money on something else. Think that if your business is online, so is your advertising and you will have to invest very little capital in other types of dissemination; Shopify has the Facebook Store option, which allows you to have access to everything related to your virtual store.

Additionally, as a tip to complement the previous point, within your virtual store you must have a blog, where you can create completely original content to share on social networks. The topics can be as complex as you decide, but always collaborating with the interests of your audience, seeking to answer questions or obtain advice to improve their daily lives.

Now yes, with these reasons you cannot deny that being present in electronic commerce with a virtual store is a good and productive idea, which in the future can provide you with strong economic benefits for your financial growth, in addition, it will provide you with work and management experience. business. It starts as an online store and who can tell? In the future you can become the owner of an important business chain!

Just look at brands like Amazon that have opted for this business model and have obtained significant benefits. Start off on the right foot in 2014 and test the idea of ​​having your own income through your virtual store.

You can consult the virtual stores that we have created in our website section: Shop

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