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Videos also increase online sales


If you have an online store you should know the power of video in e-commerce.

Here are the reasons why it is a good idea to make videos for an online store and how to take advantage of them to attract potential customers, increase their interest in our product and achieve an increase in sales.

1. They enter better by sight
Users are more likely to share videos than text pages; they are more comfortable clicking on a video thumbnail than clicking on something that has no visual or multimedia element.
Additionally, YouTube makes it very easy to add the video to the website.

2. Google
Google structures its search results to prioritize sites with video. Additionally, YouTube is owned by Google, so most of the top-ranking videos are hosted on YouTube.
It is best to upload the video to YouTube and put it on the website. You can also use keywords in the video file name, title, description, tags...
If videos are optimized correctly, they will rank better.

3. Time optimization
Videos have the ability to convey a lot of information in a short period of time. Having a video showing your product gives the potential customer more information about what it is like, and will subconsciously communicate how to feel about the item.

4. They give a personal touch
Video is a good way to add a little personalization to the online store. Videos can be used to make personalized and helpful recommendations.
Even if it is just a greeting video, or how something is done, customers can appear when they see that there is a face behind the company.

5. The best remedy against laziness
It doesn't take much effort to watch a video, but some people are lazy to read an article. That is, the videos enter the eyes better. A video can captivate users who are unaware of information conveyed through text.

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