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Microsoft finds a security flaw in Internet Explorer


Microsoft is trying to correct a bug in the Internet Explorer browser, because a computer security company has revealed a bug in the program.

The seriousness of the matter is even greater if we take into account that Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP, since it is estimated that 20% of computers continue to run XP.

The fault is found in the Internet Explorer versions 6 to 11 and FireEye, a security firm, says some hackers at U.S. companies have been exploiting the bug.

Microsoft has explained that this can allow an attacker to enter the system in question and delete data, install malicious programs or give hackers all the user's data.

The American multinational company has sent a statement in which it recommends that Windows XP users move to newer versions of your operating system, like Windows 7 and 8.

Another recommended solution, which Microsoft has not given, would be switch to another browser, such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

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