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Remember me, an application to send messages to the future


Remember me is an application that allows you to schedule the sending of a photo or video, add a text, and send it to whoever you want on the day you choose.

This app, which is free and has been developed by two Spaniards, has a very simple operation:

1.- We select a free shipping template
2.- We enter a photo or video, a title and a text
3.- We include a recipient
4.- We set the date on which we want the recipient to receive the message (year, month, day and even time)
5.- And that's it, we can now send it to the "future".

In addition, we can also share it on Facebook and Twitter.

The messages and photos are archived on a server with a security SSL certificate, to ensure the confidentiality of the data and that it can only be used by the user.

Recmembers can be sent up to 100 years from now. It is not known if email will still exist, but the application's website assures that they will always try to be updated on the most used means of communication and that they will adapt to new electronic forms of communication to guarantee the correct delivery of the souvenir.

The premium version of the application gives access to more templates and makes it possible to send 3 videos of one and a half minutes in length.

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