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Only 38% of the world's population has ever surfed the Internet


The Internet.org platform, together with Facebook, has investigated how many people have ever connected to the Internet. After the study they have published the results and the truth is that they are somewhat surprising. And only 38% of the world's population has ever surfed the Internet. Furthermore, the Internet adoption process, instead of accelerating, is decelerating and it is not the first time, the previous four years closed with the same trend.

According to the study "Global Internet Access Report", at the beginning of 2015 there were around 3000 billion people on the Internet, so only 38% of the population had ever connected to the Internet.

Obviously, not all countries use the same percentages. In developed countries, 32% of the population has not surfed the Internet, while the population in developing countries reaches 78%.

Regarding the slowdown, mentioned above, comment that Internet adoption, which was 14,7% in 2010, has fallen to 6,6% in 2014.

Analyzing the current situation and making a forecast, experts believe that 4000 billion people with Internet access will not be reached until 2009.

The reason for the slow growth is largely due to three aspects: infrastructure, price and awareness of the importance of connectivity.

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