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An ideal domain is essential


When we come into the world, our only belonging is our name. A simple conjunction of a few letters that from minute one is a hallmark that will mark our relationships with the world and with ourselves. When we decide to launch a website, the first thing we must do is choose a good name for our domain.

A good choice of name can provide us with good positioning in searches. The easier it is to find us, the more traffic we can generate and the more likely we are to convert that traffic.

Choosing a domain name is not made under one or two guidelines, it depends on multiple factors. It will mainly depend on the objective and purpose of the website. Naming an online store is not the same as naming a personal page or a blog. Therefore, it is an important decision that takes time to analyze.

The use of keywords, the length, the ease of remembering and pronouncing it, the absence of numbers and the domains with the most recognition are essential factors that must be taken into account.

Using keywords makes positioning easier. As for length, the shorter the name, the easier it will be to later remember and pronounce it. Additionally, it is important to avoid confusing people by entering numbers in our domain. And finally, we must know which domains are the most recommended.

We have to take care of every small detail to facilitate the achievement of objectives and the first steps are very important.

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