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Category: News

Chrome extension to avoid spoilers

Have you recorded a match or episode of a series and don't want any Facebook or Twitter posts to spoil the ending for you? From the Google Chrome browser, we can avoid spoilers on Facebook and Twitter thanks to an extension called Silencer.

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Outernet, free Wi-Fi from space?

Yes, you read correctly, Outernet is a project carried out by the American NGO Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), which aims to offer Internet service to the entire world from space.

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Barcelona, ​​World Mobile Capital!

Aparte de la importantísima feria Mobile World Congress, este año, Barcelona también innova gracias a la 4YFN (4 years from now ), evento creado por la Mobile World Capital y que pone Barcelona en el epicentro de la emprendeduría y la innovación, de hecho, nace gracias a la importancia y protagonismo...

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Respond to criticism on Twitter in an original way

Internet puede brindarnos grandes ventajas, pero hay que tener en cuenta que también se nos puede volver en contra. Las marcas, en su intento por ganar popularidad en el mundo de las redes sociales, deben vigilar para que su reputación no se vea afectada negativamente. El mundo de las redes sociales está plagado de internautas y,...

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Facebook's biggest mistakes

Hace ya 10 años que se creó esta red social, una plataforma forjada a golpe de ensayo-error, en continuo movimiento y bajo el empeño inquebrantable de Mark Zuckerberg. A pesar de tener más de 1.230 millones de usuarios y ser la mayor red social del mundo, Facebook sigue teniendo muchas cosas que mejor...

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Applications that help study

Almost all students are always at exam time: before Christmas, the February midterms, the September retakes... And when you finally manage to concentrate, you receive a WhatsApp or someone mentions you on Twitter. If you can't avoid the temptation of looking at your cell phone, Facebook, or email and you can't focus,...

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Increasing sales with Instagram is possible

Instagram es una red social que tiene aproximadamente 150 millones de usuarios y que resulta de gran utilidad para las marcas que pueden promocionar sus productos mediante contenidos gráficos y visuales. Algunos de los factores que se atribuyen al éxito de Instagram son el hecho de que es una plataforma móvil...

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The importance of making backup copies

Western Digital has carried out a study in which it surveyed 8.000 people (1.500 Spaniards), with surprising data about the security and organization of digital documents. And 75% of Spaniards do not make backup copies of their files. For most companies, their most important asset is information....

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Poor quality photographs can make you lose sales

When shopping in a physical store, customers can pick up a product, feel its weight, try it on, touch the edges, and squeeze it. On the other hand, when purchasing online, customers cannot perform these actions. That is precisely the reason for the great importance of photography...

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Increase the security of your website

Web Protection is becoming increasingly important to deal with improved malware programs, online scam methods and cybercrime on the Internet. Below we explain what an SSL Security Certificate is and the benefits that both you and your clients can obtain. ...

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