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Category: News

The backup of your website is key for the company

Según estudios recientes el 75% de los españoles no realiza copia de seguridad de sus documentos digitales. Esta falta de seguridad y de organización puede llevar a muchas empresas a perder mucho dinero y mucho tiempo. La gran mayoría de encuestados admite no tener tiempo y otra gran mayoría asegura...

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The online store: errors and solutions at Christmas

At this time of year when online stores are so important since it is crucial to make sales on time and without errors, we must take into account the most typical mistakes to avoid making them. Online commerce is postulated as one of the main ways to get gifts and buy everything...

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Improve your personal brand through social platforms

El uso de las plataformas sociales es básico hoy en día para mejorar la marca personal. La creación de los distintos perfiles es totalmente gratis y con las oportunidades que ofrece Internet no aprovecharlas seria fatal para cualquier negocio que quiere tener presencia Online. Además no solo hay que crearlas...

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Online Store: The definitive guide on how to start it

There are many small companies that in recent times have embarked on the adventure of selling their products online but without carrying out the steps correctly. In this article we explain the most basic things to guide you correctly in this exciting world. The E-Commerce project...

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Business card to publicize your company

One of the best methods to make your company known outside the network is by printing business cards. Although some think that they are obsolete or that they represent a delay, they do not take into account the added value that having a good, striking and innovative design can represent.

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Improve your videoconferences or online meetings

La red de Internet ha permitido que muchas empresas estén conectadas a través de la web, del E-Mail y de las Intranets. Ha mejorado las comunicaciones y ha facilitado que las respuestas sean mucho más rápidas y productivas. En el mundo de las relaciones laborales las reuniones tienen un gran valor y son necesarias para la comprensión...

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The guide to starting a successful business

In these times of crisis, there are many people who want to start a successful business and embark on the ambitious project of creating their own company. In this article we will explain the 10 steps to start in the best way. They do not ensure 100% business success but they can be helpful to those who decide to make the big...

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Improve SEO Positioning on YouTube

  YouTube has become the second most important search engine in the world behind the leader, Google. Every minute that passes there are 25 hours of new video that generate two million views a day. With these numbers it is clear that YouTube can help our company a lot to become known as it is an incredible platform...

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How to pass the usability test?

 Usability Exam If you are the owner, manager or person responsible for websites, you are very interested in knowing how to improve usability in order to improve and solve the errors that do not allow your users and clients to have a satisfactory experience when accessing your website. The usability study is the analysis of a website prepared...

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Web Portfolio: the most original way to find work

En los tiempos de crisis actuales el buscar trabajo se ha convertido en uno de los principales problemas de la sociedad española. Son muchas las personas que se encuentran en situación de desempleo y pocas las ofertas que pueden dar las empresas. Una de las mejores formas de ayudarte en este tedioso trabajo es la realización de un...

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Advantages of Outsourcing

The concept of Outsourcing (externalization in Spanish) is a very fashionable term in the world of the Internet. This fact is due to the fact that many companies ask third parties to take care of tasks related to the Internet and thus they can dedicate themselves fully to their sector, whatever it may be. There are many needs that can be...

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Online sales increase on Black Friday

Many companies have signed up for Black Friday, a North American tradition that is celebrated every year on the first Friday after Thanksgiving. This tradition consists of deep discounts to encourage customers to make their first purchases of the Christmas season. In Spain little is being implemented...

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