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Category: News>Social Networks

Google will try to enhance its social network

In the business world it is not always about reaching out and kissing the saint, quite the opposite. Very well you must flirt to get to kiss him. And if not, look at Google. A search engine condemned to leadership that has not yet been able to get the most out of its social network, Google Plus.

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Pinterest studies the possibility of adding the button

Pinterest is settling into the world of social networks but it is doing so strategically. There are already several digital media that echo a new strategy of this social network and that is that they want users to be able to buy some of the products offered from the same platform.

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We discover what's new with Google Partners 2015

Google tuvo el placer de invitarnos el pasado jueves 5 de febrero al interesante evento Welcome2015@Google Partners que tuvo lugar a las 16:00h en la Fundación Antoni Tàpies. «Hemos creado un nuevo equipo de soporte para nuestras principales agencias, entre las que estáis vosotros, y queremos presentároslo», Nos anunció Google. Cada...

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Twitter continues to innovate

Renovarse o morir", deja de ser un tópico y se convierte en una obligación para cualquier empresa. No solo con el objetivo de captar nuevos clientes sino de fidelizar a los que ya se tienen.

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Social networks for business

If they tell us that a company uses traditional methods to advertise and promote, we will quickly label them "outdated." Those repetitive television spots, even the advertisements so characteristic of the radio world, have been left behind. 

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Social Networks: The nearest future.

Go out on the street and ask anyone if they know Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Snapchat. What's more, those of you who are reading this article on the IndianWebs blog can answer that question. Not only do you know these social networks but thanks to them you are beginning to read the fourth line of the first paragraph. Surely...

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