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Category: News>Social Networks

Indianwebs inaugurates its new Tik Tok

Indianwebs opens the season with a Tik Tok channel where you can see different examples of what they do on a daily basis. We are one of those content creators on this network, and we are proud to present our new Indianwebs Tik Tok channel. You can find us under the name Indianwebs and follow us while...

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Podcast Marketing: Why tell your brand verbally?

La forma más efectiva de dejar su huella con la publicidad y convencer a la gente sobre la calidad de su marca es emocionarlos . El sonido siempre ha sido la mejor herramienta para despertar emociones y transmitir mensajes de forma clara y directa y es por eso que en los últimos años la difusión de los podcasts ha involucrado a...

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Facebook Ads: 10 key elements for a successful campaign

Hacer ADV en Facebook ahora se ha vuelto esencial para cualquiera que use su página de Facebook con fines comerciales. ¿Cuáles son los 10 elementos básicos que, aunque sencillos, son fundamentales para el éxito de una campaña de Facebook Ads? «Intenté hacer una campaña o dos en Facebook, pero no obtuve ningún resultado». «Utilicé...

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How to effectively create a social media editorial plan?

Creating an editorial plan is the first step you should take in a content marketing strategy. Having clear ideas about what to publish, when and where to publish it, is essential for your content strategy to be effective. But how do you make a good editorial plan? Where should you start? In this article...

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Instagram Shopping: how it can help my online store

Si hay algo que tenemos en claro, es que las redes sociales son hoy en día el gran escaparate para poder atraer a personas hacia nuestro sitio web y sobre todo a hacia nuestra tienda online. Es por eso que sus prestaciones crecen cada día más haciendo así que aparezcan nuevas ideas. Es el caso de Instagram...

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Sant Jordi's Day on social networks

Sant Jordi, one of the most emblematic and precious festivities in Catalonia, generates a lot of impact on social networks, with Instagram and Twitter being the ones that host the most literature or photography contests. 

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Follow: Is there a reason behind each follow?

There is a mystery that lurks in all companies and if it did not exist, everything would be much easier. However, it is the headache of many companies and when push comes to shove it turns out to be one of those stones that cause setbacks, one after another. 

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Customers are people, not numbers

It is surprising to see how large multinationals that bring together thousands and thousands of followers on their accounts on different social networks are closer to their followers than small companies that only have a third of the contacts that these multinationals have...

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